Classes and Instruction

I have never had a program that was so well liked by all grades and their teachers.
— Linda Wishko, P.T.O., Fawn Hollow Elementary School, Monroe, CT

Classes & Instruction


Schools & Communities

We bring intensive workshops and ongoing courses to the public school system, cultural centers, etc with a practiced teacher team that inspires participation.
More info on our dedicated school outreach programs

Our Centers

We are fortunate to have beautiful studios and space in the Clemente Cultural Center, where we have been giving classes for all ages 7 days a week for over 20 years as Capoeira Angola Quintal. We are in pause as of 2020 until group classes can resume.

NYC Adult Classes

NYC Children's classes

NYC Teen Classes

Our centers in other cities:
Ithaca, Boston, San Francisco


Our active community needed to stay active and connected when the pandemic hit in 2020, and responded with the strength of lead instructors across the country leading classes for adults, and Mestre Ombrinho keeping the children’s classes moving and advancing.

For Schedule and more info, .

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